Hong Kong's governance is by the people of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong's status and order are for all over the world.


Cai Xia: Hong Kong's sovereignty belongs to China, but Hong Kong's governance is by the people of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong's status and order are for all over the world. It took the world 100 years for Hong Kong to become a global free trade port and one of the world's three major financial centers. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is now destroying Hong Kong as a free trade port and as one of the world's financial centers. CCP is challenging the world. 

Hong Kong's status and order are the convergence of global capital, the convergence of knowledge and wisdom among the global elite and respect for the protection of everyone's human rights, private property, and civil rights, and the protection of freedom and the rule of law in Hong Kong today.  

CCP has not contributed to Hong Kong's emergence as a world free trade port and financial center. CCP has no right to be brutal and violent to the people of Hong Kong. CCP introduced the “Hong Kong Version of the National Security Law” to extend the authoritarian rule of the CCP and to rape the people of Hong Kong. Hong Kong belongs to the whole world. CCP is now pushing the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law to destroy Hong Kong's freedom and the rule of law. CCP is challenging the global international political landscape, challenging the order of global human civilization and threatening the global order and the value of human civilization.  

CCP virus pandemic outbreak in early 2020 not only endangers the world and threatens the lives of mankind, and the destruction of Hong Kong's free trade port status, but also undermines and destroys the civilized order of the world economy and politics. CCP is an enemy of the whole world and of human civilization. CCP is the public enemy of mankind!






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